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Cosmetic Surgery: Focused on Enhancing Appearance. The procedures, techniques, and principles of cosmetic surgery focus entirely on enhancing a patient’s appearance. Improving aesthetic appeal, symmetry, and proportion are the key goals. Aesthetic surgery can be performed on all areas of the head, neck, and body. Since cosmetic procedures treat areas that function correctly, cosmetic surgery is designated as elective. Cosmetic elective procedures are performed by doctors from a variety of medical fields, including plastic surgeons.

  • https://vimeo.com/392931160 https://youtu.be/0UnGfsJ9Shw https://vimeo.com/392960009 https://vimeo.com/392961136

Skin Rejuvenation Peel

Looking great in public is demanding. Whether you are trying to look your best for job interviews or get attention, Skin Rejuvenation, resurfacing or a skin peel is a way to go. MSI Skin peel (thigh-tech) is a comprehensive antiaging, anti-acne, scar treatment program that uses state of the art in aesthetic medicine. It is tailored precisely to your skin condition, needs, and expectation. It includes steam, masks, exfoliation, comedones extraction, cosmeceuticals, PRP, chemical peels, LED, IPL, laser, ultrasound, and radiofrequency. In addition, we apply new techniques to enhance skin penetration of cosmeceutical ingredients, such as whitening, vitamins, and anti-acne, antiaging dermal roller, dermapen, no needles mesotherapy (electroporation), microdermabrasion, fractional laser, and radiofrequency. Skin Rejuvenation (high-tech skin peel) can be performed anywhere on the body, but most generally are shown on the face, neck, hands, arms, and legs.

  • http://youtu.be/FYY0KnTVQNI https://youtu.be/Y6CIY4zHwXA https://vimeo.com/392904594

Skin Rejuvenation Laser Peel

Unlike chemical peels and dermabrasion, laser skin resurfacing (LSR) with the CO2 laser generates heat, which results in immediate tightening because of the shrinkage of collagen, which forcefully shortens the collagen fibers by 30%. This translates clinically into smoothing out superficial irregularities, including wrinkles, acne scars, nevi, epidermal growths, and even tumors, and a tightening effect that improves the skin's overall appearance. The laser continuously stimulates healthy new collagen and elastic fibers in the skin for six months after resurfacing. Therefore, any wrinkles or scars will continue to improve for up to one year. Nonablative or minimal ablative fractional CO2 holds great promise in both treatments of skin textural abnormalities (acne scarring, wrinkles, and skin mottling associated with photoaging) and pigmentary variation (melasma, hyperpigmented scars, lentigines, and dyschromia).

  • https://vimeo.com/392721819

Fractional Radiofrequency (FRF) Skin Rejuvenation

Fractional radiofrequency (FRF) creates zones of thermal damage that stimulate wound healing and dermal remodeling. The result is new collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid formation. Clinically FRF improves acne scars, large facial pores, wrinkles, and facial laxity reduction. Recently FRF has been used to treat excessive sweating

By |2022-08-13T14:47:31+02:00February 21st, 2020|Categories: COSMETIC SURGERY|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Fractional Radiofrequency (FRF) Skin Rejuvenation
  • https://vimeo.com/394905850 https://vimeo.com/394780342

Excessive Sweating Treatment

Botox is approved for the treatment of hyperhidrosis in the United States. It is injected intradermally to treat hyperhidrosis and inhibits the release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction and from the sympathetic nerves that innervate eccrine sweat glands. When performed correctly, patients have little pain or discomfort. Proudly at MSI, a newer bipolar RF device are effective in reducing the amount of sweating. The new bipolar microneedles radiofrequency device can destroy the eccrine glands by thermolysis at the interface of the deep dermis and subcutis while minimizing damage to the surrounding tissue. Fractional radiofrequency treatment appears to be a new safe and effective treatment alternative for mild to moderate primary axillary hyperhidrosis. Prof Moawad suggests repeated sessions of fractional radiofrequency to achieve a complete response. When medical treatment fails, he will offer ultrasound and power-assisted liposuction of armpits to gently and thoroughly remove sweat glands.

By |2022-03-10T19:25:18+02:00February 12th, 2020|Categories: COSMETIC SURGERY|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Excessive Sweating Treatment
  • https://youtu.be/m6WKPXbC8u0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3N7rMgQBags

Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair restoration involves moving hair from one body area to another for cosmetic improvement. The latest advances in the field, such as smaller grafts, follicular unit extraction or FUE, and novel pain reduction methods, make hair restoration treatment successful, safer, and more comfortable. Hair transplantation is most used for male pattern baldness. The second most common use is to treat female pattern baldness. An increasing number of women do not experience recession but wish to advance their hairline forward because of the congenital high hairline, traction alopecia, or previous facial cosmetic surgery. There are several key differences to note about the appearance of the male verse female hairline. It has been previously reported that the male hairline is typically 7 to 8 cm above the glabella and 5 to 7 cm in women. Besides, a variety of conditions can be successfully treated with hair transplantation, such as scalp scarring, facial scars due to trauma or surgery, and hair loss due to traction can be repaired with hair transplantation. Finally, hair transplantation can be successfully used to restore hair to the eyebrows, eyelashes, beard, mustache, or goatee area; and even in areas of the body, such as the pubis or chest. The PRP and growth factors are used pre-operatively, intra-operatively, or post-operatively. The scalp where hairs are transplanted decreases bleeding, and bruising accelerates healing and reduces shock hair loss. The injection of nanofat or enriched microfat is performed subcutaneously above the galea and in proximity to the hair bulb, which is the region where stem cells exist.

  • https://youtu.be/nOqqnU2Vp-c

Tattoo Laser Removal

Why shouldn’t you be able to eliminate unwanted tattoos? Modern tattoo removal involves the use of Q-switched lasers to remove tattoo pigments. Or fade them to prepare the area for a different tattoo. Thanks to the only available tattoo removal specific laser machines at MSI “Q-switched Nd: YAG laser 1064nm infra-red laser ” and frequency-doubled 532nm green KTP laser, you don’t have to live with an unwanted tattoo. This laser sends precise pulses of high-energy light into the skin, vaporizing some tattoo inks and fragmenting other tattoo inks into thousands of tiny particles, which are then safely eliminated from your skin. I should also consider test spots for cosmetic, medical, traumatic, or decorative tattoos with light colors. Paradoxical darkening is likely to be encountered in these tattoos. After laser treatment of tattoos, skincare is quite similar to skincare after having a tattoo. Gentle cleansing of the skin and applying an antibiotic ointment will help tattoos heal quickly after treatment. Protect the treated area from sun exposure until the skin is completely healed and the skin color has returned to normal. Your tattoo usually fades over 4-6 weeks. Other non-laser methods of tattoo removal include surgical excision (cutting the tattoo out), dermabrasion (scrubbing away the skin), salabrasion (using salt to abrade the tattoo), and chemical peels(using acid to burn away layers of skin). These methods are painful, expensive, and may result in scarring.

  • https://youtu.be/yPmSZWCJ1t8

Skin Rejuvenation Filler Injection

The two principal categories of temporary fillers approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for facial rejuvenation are hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxylapatite. The selection of HA implant is based on the indication and site of placement. For lifting and restoring volume, improving the structural foundations and facial contour, a high-density HA implant is injected deeply into the supraperiosteum. To treat medium-deep depression, we used a mid-density hyaluronic acid filler injected subdermally. For treating the periorbital area and the area around the lip, giving finished facial refinements, a low-density hyaluronic acid filler is selected with a water-like consistency filler. The most significant limitation of a filler compared with fat transfer is the potential cost compared with the latter as each syringe can be pretty expensive. The greatest benefit of a filler is accuracy. The other benefit is that a filler is bioinert and does not increase with patient’s weight gain but obviously may not look good when a patient does gain or lose weight as the filler has been injected to match a person’s current weight status.

  • https://youtu.be/-Jf45bj5pfk

Acne Scars Treatment

Acne scars lead to emotional embarrassment, poor self-esteem, social isolation, low confidence, body image alterations, unemployment, lowered academic performance, and exacerbation of the psychiatric disease of anxiety or depression. Acne scars treatment must consider the cost of treatment, the severity of lesions, physician goals, patient expectations, side-effect profiles, psychological or emotional effects to the patient, and prevention measures. Various treatment modalities range from topical therapies, chemical peelings, micro-needling or microdermabrasion, subcision, autologous ⁄ non-autologous dermal fillers to energy-based technology such as fractioned ⁄ non-fractionated lasers, ablative/nonablative lasers, pigment or vascular-specific lasers, and minor surgical procedures. Whatever the choice, it should be clearly understood by both physicians and patients that, at present, improvement of scarring, rather than total cure, is the goal. Any intervention or treatment aims to improve scars, not for a total cure or perfection.

By |2022-04-02T12:56:22+02:00October 15th, 2019|Categories: COSMETIC SURGERY|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Acne Scars Treatment

Skin Rejuvenation Fat Injections

A variety knows fat transfer of names, of which the commonly used are fat transfer, fat injection, and autologous fat grafts. The word autologous means material (fat) is harvested from one area and donated to another in the same individual. Fat transfer has become an increasingly important method of facial rejuvenation both as a standalone procedure and in combination with traditional rejuvenation methods, like face-lifting, brow lifting, and Blepharoplasty. Fat transfer is particularly suited for restructuring the proportion of the face. Typical facial structures can also be aided by adding constructive elements to correct a broad range of perceived facial deficiencies. For example, a stronger jawline creates a youthful, more powerful-looking face; eliminating the hollowness of lower lids helps reduce that tired, sad appearance; and fuller lips create a more youthful, attractive appearance. Other indications include congenital, traumatic defects, or surgical defects and scars. Nanofat is applicable in a wide range of indications to improve the skin quality; trophic skin changes caused by age and sun damage, pigmentary skin conditions, and scarring Non-facial areas such as the neck, the décolleté area, and the hands can also greatly benefit from the use of nanofat grafting, sometimes in combination with microfat.

By |2022-03-11T06:15:58+02:00October 15th, 2019|Categories: COSMETIC SURGERY|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Skin Rejuvenation Fat Injections

High Definition Liposuction

Liposuction, the number one cosmetic surgery performed globally, is a procedure removing unwanted lumps, bulges, and areas of resistant fat deposits from specific areas of the body. Patients should be in good health, emotionally stable, and realistic in their expectations. Age is not a consideration, but older patients usually have diminished skin elasticity, thus will probably not achieve the same results as a younger person with tighter skin. While no method of liposuction is a substitute for proper nutrition and physical exercise, nor is it an alternative for general weight reduction, it is, however, ideal for permanently removing localized areas of fat that are diet and exercise-resistant. The most common areas for treatment include upper thighs (saddlebags), abdomen, flanks (Love handles), and upper arms. Other areas include facial fat accumulations, including a double chin, neck and jowls, breast, hips, buttocks, and knees. I can do cheeks, calves, and ankles, but results are less impressive in these areas. In men, liposuction can be used to correct gynecomastia (enlarged breasts) and, more recently as scarless breast reduction in females. In addition, liposuction is used to remove sweat glands in the underarm to reduce excessive sweating without affecting the body’s ability to cool itself. The application of external ultrasound before liposuction is a technique that applies the transcutaneous application of high-frequency ultrasonic fields delivered into the wetted fatty tissue to melt fat cells and make it easy for extraction. All types of energy (mechanical, ultrasound, laser, and radiofrequency have been combined with liposuction to reduce surgeon effort and improve the result. The “power” in power-assisted/power-tumescent liposuction (mechanical energy) refers to the use of a cannula with a back-and-forth motion of the tip passes through tissue to suction out fat in fibrous (male breast) or the back with reduced effort. Power-assisted liposuction helps skin tightening during the recovery period.

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