Tattoo Laser Removal

Why shouldn’t you be able to eliminate unwanted tattoos? Modern tattoo removal involves the use of Q-switched lasers to remove tattoo pigments. Or fade them to prepare the area for a different tattoo. Thanks to the only available tattoo removal specific laser machines at MSI “Q-switched Nd: YAG laser 1064nm infra-red laser ” and frequency-doubled 532nm green KTP laser, you don’t have to live with an unwanted tattoo. This laser sends precise pulses of high-energy light into the skin, vaporizing some tattoo inks and fragmenting other tattoo inks into thousands of tiny particles, which are then safely eliminated from your skin. I should also consider test spots for cosmetic, medical, traumatic, or decorative tattoos with light colors. Paradoxical darkening is likely to be encountered in these tattoos. After laser treatment of tattoos, skincare is quite similar to skincare after having a tattoo. Gentle cleansing of the skin and applying an antibiotic ointment will help tattoos heal quickly after treatment. Protect the treated area from sun exposure until the skin is completely healed and the skin color has returned to normal. Your tattoo usually fades over 4-6 weeks. Other non-laser methods of tattoo removal include surgical excision (cutting the tattoo out), dermabrasion (scrubbing away the skin), salabrasion (using salt to abrade the tattoo), and chemical peels(using acid to burn away layers of skin). These methods are painful, expensive, and may result in scarring.