Skin Scars Treatment or Revision

The improvement of scars of either cosmetic or functional impairment is the goal of scars revision. Cutaneous scars are results of earlier surgery trauma, or inflammatory processes, e.g., acne. The injury may be cosmetically distressing or may distort functional anatomy. Thus, the aim of scar revision is the achievement of an aesthetically pleasing or less visible scar. Scars can be categorized by various descriptive characteristics, including contour, shape, length, width, color, and function. Recognition and analysis of these unique characteristics, along with the scars’ location and place, will aid in determining the proper technique or combination of procedures in revising a given scar. Numerous revision procedures are available to correct the various types of injuries. No one treatment or procedure is effective in correcting all types of scars. Therefore, knowledge, understanding, and experience in using various techniques are vital to do acceptable results.