Neck Lift Surgery

The elements that characterize a youthful neck include a distinct inferior mandibular border, visible sub-hyoid depression, noticeable thyroid cartilage bulge, visible anterior sternocleidomastoid line, and 90_ angle with the submental line and cervical mental angle of 105 to 120. These criteria are seen in glamour models. In evaluating the neck properly, the neck aging changes may be due to skin excess, fat accumulation, platysma laxity, digastric hypertrophy, submandibular gland abnormalities, or anatomic variants such as a low hyoid bone. Surgical approaches to neck rejuvenation include liposuction, anterior or submental incision, direct skin excision, and Z-plasty. Straightforward neck procedures include the following: defatting superficial to the platysma, subplatysmal and interplatysmal defatting, medial platysmaplasty/platysma.