Weight Loss Surgery

Losing a great deal of weight is a great skill and a tone towards a healthier, more energetic spirit. Nevertheless, excess, sagging skin can present a fresh challenge, preventing patients from thoroughly enjoying their weight loss benefits. An experienced cosmetic surgeon can get rid of extra skin and restore more aesthetically pleasing body contours. Skin removal includes a range of body lift procedures performed after significant weight loss to address the excess skin folds on the arms, legs, torso, and buttocks, helping patients make a more natural, aesthetically pleasing shape. If you are burdened with extra skin after losing weight, getting rid of it can dramatically enhance your comfort and self-confidence, help you exercise with greater ease, and improve the way clothing fits. This field has applications across a broadband of the population, from the petite “mommy” looking for a makeover to the male who lost more than 100 lbs after gastric bypass surgery. There are many techniques to do this. The termination of breast and body-lift procedures prepares the best possible contour while respecting essential safety topics and innovating for better results.