Abdomen HD Liposuction

The ideal candidate for abdomen liposuction is a person of average weight with firm, elastic skin, except for pockets of excess fat in certain areas of their body that are resistant to diet and exercise and disproportionate to the rest of their body. Patients should be in good health, emotionally stable, and have realistic expectations. Age is not a consideration, but older patients usually have diminished skin elasticity, thus not achieving the same results as a younger person with tighter skin. Abdomen liposuction is helpful as a secondary procedure after abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) to help further contour the abdomen, as abdomen liposuction would have been unsafe to perform before abdominoplasty. Abdomen etching is a form of superficial abdomen liposuction performed to simulate the appearance of muscle definition (high definition Lipo). Today, fat extraction or fat injection is used to improve the outcome. Based on the experience of Prof Moawad for the last 20 years, he prefers the tumescent syringe technique for a small stomach and ultrasound power-assisted cannula for the large abdomen.