Brows and Forehead Lift Surgery

Recognition of this volume loss in the upper face and its effects has changed our understanding and treatment of facial aging. A brow lift, also commonly called a forehead lift, rejuvenates the face above the eyes to restore a refreshed appearance that better reflects a patient’s natural vibrancy. By removing excess sagging skin on the forehead and repositioning the underlying muscles and tissues, a brow lift can correct a heavy, sagging brow, eliminate deep furrows, and restore a smoother, more youthful contour to the upper one-third of the face. The brow is directed outward through fat augmentation and can support the overlying skin without raising the brow to an unnaturally high position.  The superior orbital rim is approached through a lateral forehead entry site. A midline entry site is then utilized to blend the fat into the medial rim and glabellar region, totaling 1 to 2 mL per side. Upper eyelid sulcus grafting may take place at this time utilizing an entry site in the brow.