Female Hair Loss Treatment

At MSI, every treatment option begins with a complimentary video-microscopic hair density test and digital documentation to calculate and monitor results. MSI offers two drug molecules (i.e., 5% minoxidil solution and finasteride) to stop hair loss and regrow hair. Minoxidil, finasteride, vitamins, and trace elements are injected during a mesotherapy treatment session. Growth Factors for hair regrowth are added to our cocktail when mixed with Platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Several-time weekly application of a laser-emitting device (LED) to "stimulate" hair growth of existing miniaturized hairs is one of the new light therapies for hair loss. The most recent available hair preservation and restoration treatment is the newly introduced combination of mesotherapy, infrared technology, oxygen therapy, platelet-rich plasma (PRP), and nano fat or micro fat (stem cell therapy). Penetration of PRP and nano fat or micro fat is eased with microneedling, dermal roller, or the use of fractional radiofrequency. Hair transplantation is at the forefront in developing these applications. Recently an increase in female patients requesting lowering the frontal hairline or lower the height of the forehead is in demand. Besides, I can successfully treat a variety of conditions with hair transplantation. Scarring of the scalp and hair loss due to traction can be repaired with hair transplantation. Finally, hair transplantation can successfully restore hair to the eyebrows, eyelashes, or pubis.