Mouth and Lips Rejuvenation

Today’s facial surgeons have more options than ever before to rejuvenate the perioral area. It is essential to have a thorough understanding of both perioral anatomy and perceived signs of aging to put the correct treatment plane. The patient and physician need to understand the types of defects that can be improved using noninvasive techniques and those that require a surgical approach. Many products and devices are available to physicians to address these issues and obtain favorable results from dark lips to perioral wrinkles. In general, changes in skin texture, tone, laxity, or pigmentation are treated with chemical peels, lasers, or energy-based solutions. Dermal fillers, Autologous fat, surgical lip implants, botulinum toxin A, and micro-pigmentation are all adjunctive therapies that may be used to augment or rejuvenate the lips. It can modify Orbicularis oculi muscle function via botulinum toxin (BTX) injections or surgery.