Skin Birthmarks Treatment

If your baby has a birthmark, you’ll see a spot, patch, or lump that looks different from the rest of your baby’s skin. Birthmarks come in many shapes and colors, flat or raised. You may see a spot immediately when your baby is born. Some spots appear shortly after birth. It may be the size of a pinhead or cover a large area of your child’s skin. Most birthmarks fall somewhere in between. A birthmark can be pink, red, tan, brown, or any other color. Some look like a bruise. Others look like a stain on the skin. Certain types of birthmarks, such as a salmon patch or hemangioma, often fade independently. Others, such a mole, tend to remain on the skin for life. While you can leave most birthmarks alone, it’s essential to see a dermatologist soon after you notice a birthmark. Some birthmarks can cause a problem later. Treatment option includes; selective laser, nonselective lasers, intralesional injection, systemic medication, or surgical excision.