
This is a common skin infection that develops in the hair follicles. Razor Bumps can appear anywhere on the skin, except for our palms and soles. Other common areas for ingrown hairs are the armpits, pubic area, and legs. An ingrown hair occurs when shaved or tweezed hair grows back into the skin. It can cause inflammation, pain, and tiny bumps in the area where the hair was removed. It’s most prevalent in black men who shave facial hair. But ingrown hair can affect anyone who removes hair by shaving, tweezing, or waxing. You can avoid ingrown hair by not removing hair. If that’s not an option, you can use hair removal methods that lessen the risk of developing ingrown hairs. Laser hair removal has helped much in treating this problem since laser induces delay growing of hair, re-growing hair is thinner, and some hair follicles are lost permanently.

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This is a common skin infection that develops in the hair follicles. Razor Bumps can appear anywhere on the skin, except for our palms and soles. An ingrown hair occurs when a shaved or tweezed hair grows back into the skin. It can cause inflammation, pain, and tiny bumps in the area where hair removal removed the hair. Ingrown hair is a common condition that results from hair removal. It’s most prevalent in black men who shave facial hair. But ingrown hair can affect anyone who removes hair by shaving, tweezing, or waxing. Often, ingrown hair improves without treatment. You can avoid ingrown hair by not removing hair. If that’s not an option, you can use hair removal methods that lessen the risk of developing ingrown hairs.

What do Razor Bumps Treatment?

It usually looks like a sudden acne breakout. Each spot may have a red ring around it, which is a sign of infection. Ingrown hairs most commonly appear in the beard area, including the chin and cheeks and, especially, the neck. They can appear on the scalp in those who shave their heads. Other common areas for ingrown hairs are the armpits, pubic area, and legs. It may seem like small, robust, rounded bumps (papules), small, pus-filled, blister-like lesions (pustules), skin darkening (hyperpigmentation)

What are the Symptoms and Signs of Razor Bumps Treatment?

Symptoms can vary. You may not feel anything. Sometimes, the infection causes itchy skin. It’s also possible for your skin to feel painful. Also called pseudofolliculitis or razor bumps, men often see these on the beard area when they shave.

How Can I get Razor Bumps Treatment?

You get Razor Bumps when you damage your hair follicles. Once damaged, it’s easy for germs to get inside the follicles and cause an infection. A common source of bacteria is Staph aureus, which is found on our skin. Other organisms on our surface can also create an infection. You can damage your hair follicles by:

  • Touching or rubbing your skin frequently
  • Wearing tight clothing
  • Having skin rub against the skin
  • Shaving

When your skin is damp and hot, it’s easier to damage your hair follicles and get an infection. This can happen when tight clothing rubs against your skin while you’re bicycling on a hot day. Many people get Razor Bumps from hot tubs. This is so common that there’s a condition called “hot tub Razor Bumps.” The damage can also happen while you’re using a hot tub or whirlpool. When this occurs, acne-like breakouts tend to appear on skin that was covered by your bathing suit. Most people see breakouts about 12 to 48 hours after using the hot tub.

What Causes Razor Bumps Treatment?

While many things can damage your hair follicles, the following are common causes of Razor Bumps:

  • Hot tub (improperly maintained)
  • Shaving, plucking, or waxing
  • Tight clothing or equipment
  • Medication applied to the skin, such as coal tar
  • Medicine you take
  • Weight gain

How Can I Get Rid of Razor Bumps?

The acne-like breakouts tend to go away on their own if you: Have a healthy immune system and stop doing what caused the Razor Bumps. To clear your skin more quickly and get relief, apply warm compresses to the area.  When using warm compresses, dermatologists recommend that you: Apply a warm compress at least 3 to 4 times a day and leave the compress on your skin for 15 to 20 minutes each time. If a warm compress helps you feel more comfortable, you can apply it more than four times a day. When shaving, plucking, or waxing causes the infection, you’ll want to stop doing these things for 30 days.

Do I Need to See a Dermatologist to Treat Razor Bumps?

It can be helpful to see a dermatologist to make sure you have Razor Bumps. The infected hair follicles can look like another skin condition, such as acne. A board-certified dermatologist can tell you whether you have Razor Bumps and give you tips to help clear it. Some people need medication, such as an antibiotic, to remove the Razor Bumps. Seeing a dermatologist can also be helpful if you develop razor bumps from shaving and cannot stop shaving. Some men can continue shaving when they apply medication to their skin. Your dermatologist can also give you tips that can reduce the irritation that shaving causes.

Can I Prevent Razor Bumps Treatment?

Sometimes. Here are a few common causes and things you can do to prevent getting Razor Bumps:

Please wear loose clothing when it’s hot and humid. A tight dress tends to rub against your skin. When it’s hot and humid, the constant rubbing can injure your hair follicles, causing Razor Bumps. If you wear tight clothing while working out, you may be able to prevent a flare-up by changing out of your clothes immediately after working out and showering. Use well-maintained hot tubs. You’re more likely to get Razor Bumps from a hot tub or whirlpool that’s improperly maintained. If you’re unsure whether the acid and chlorine levels are adequately controlled, you may want to skip the hot tub or whirlpool. This will help you avoid getting hot tub Razor Bumps. Wash your bathing suit or wetsuit after each use and let it dry. Washing your suit after each use and allowing it to dry completely before wearing it helps reduce your exposure to bacteria that can cause Razor Bumps. Follow these tips when applying medication to your skin. Some people develop Razor Bumps when using a medicine, such as coal tar, on their skin. You may reduce the risk of developing Razor Bumps by:

  • Applying the medication in the same direction in which your hair grows.
  • I am not covering the treated area with a bandage or clothing when possible.

How to Shave If I have Razor Bumps?

Hair structure and direction of growth play a role in ingrown hairs. A curved hair follicle, which produces tightly curled hair, encourages the hair to re-enter the skin once the hair is cut and starts to grow back. Shaving creates sharp edges in this type of hair, especially if the hair is dry when shaved. Pull your skin taut during shaving — which allows the cut hair to draw back into the skin and re-enter the skin without first growing out Tweeze — which also can leave a hair fragment under the skin surface. When a hair penetrates your skin, your skin reacts as it would to a foreign body — it becomes inflamed. Shaving is a common cause of Razor Bumps. You may be able to reduce your risk by following these shaving tips: To help prevent ingrown hairs, avoid shaving, tweezing, and waxing.  If that’s not an option, use these tips to make ingrown hairs less likely:

  • Wash your skin with warm water and a mild facial cleanser before shaving.
  • Apply lubricating shaving cream or gel a few minutes before shaving to soften the hair. Or apply a warm compress.
  • Use a sharp razor every time you shave. Further study is needed to determine whether a single- or multiple-blade blade is best for preventing ingrown hair. See what works best for you.
  • Avoid close shaves.
  • Don’t pull your skin taut while shaving.
  • Shave in the direction of hair growth.
  • Rinse the blade after each stroke.
  • Rinse your skin and apply lotion after you shave.

The following hair removal methods also may help prevent ingrown hairs:

  • Electric razor or clipper. Avoid the closest shave setting and hold the razor or clipper slightly away from your skin with the blade.
  • Chemical hair remover. The chemicals in hair-removing products (depilatories) may irritate your skin, so test on a small area first.
  • A cream to decrease hair growth. Eflornithine (Vaniqa) is a prescription cream that reduces hair regrowth when combined with another hair removal method, such as laser therapy. Further study is needed to prove the usefulness of this method.
  • Laser-assisted hair removal has helped much in treating this problem since laser induces delay growing of hair, re-growing hair is thinner, and some hair follicles are lost permanently.

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