Abdominal alterations may be summarized as: cutaneous (redundancies, stretch marks, scars, flaccidity, and retractions); accumulation of subcutaneous tissue (lipodystrophy); and those affecting the muscular-aponeurotic system (diastasis, hernia, eventration, and convexity. The abdomen is essential to define the younger and more vital physique. The stomach contour is set by the bones, fat, skin, muscles, and the protrusion of the intra-abdominal organs. Surgical treatment will remove excess skin, and fat will tighten the muscle to push back internal organs. Surgical treatment will give a contour that approximates the person with their ideal self-image. The goal of surgery is to make an aesthetic contour with acceptable scars and the return of full function of the abdominal girdle. There is an increasing number of transcutaneous energy delivery devices currently available. They are classified according to the type of energy they deliver to their target—mechanical (e.g., suction, massage), radiofrequency, ultrasound, cryolipolysis, and laser. Of these, radiofrequency devices are the most popular for non-surgical skin tightening and fat reduction.


I should evaluate the desire for surgical treatment of these deformities within the context of what surgery may achieve to give a physical form that approximates the person with their ideal self-image. The abdomen is essential to define the younger and more vital physique. The form of the abdomen is defined by the skeletal structure, the quantity and distribution of fat, the appearance and condition of the skin, the tonus of the aponeurotic and muscular system, and the protrusion of the intra-abdominal organs. Each of these components forms an independent variable within the diagnosis of the deformity of the abdominal wall and will decide the type of treatment written down for the patient. Three large muscles (the external oblique, the internal oblique, and the transversus abdominis) are found on each side of the abdominal wall, which is reinforced at the mid-line by the rectus and pyramidalis muscles. This muscular “shield” is vital for keeping posture, locomotion, and intestinal functions, constituting the primary elements in setting up the tone of the abdominal wall.

Abdominal alterations may be summarized as: cutaneous (redundancies, stretch marks, scars, flaccidity, and retractions); accumulation of subcutaneous tissue (lipodystrophy); and those affecting the muscular-aponeurotic system (diastasis, hernia, eventration, and convexity). Procedures have, therefore, been described to correct the integument (skin and loose subcutaneous cellular tissue), the aponeurosis, and the muscle structure. The goal of surgery is to achieve an aesthetic contour with acceptable scars and the return of full function of the abdominal girdle. I follow the classification of cosmetic abdominal deformities as such:

  • Abdominal lipodystrophy without skin flaccidity; absence of diastasis or hernia I will only liposuction
  • Moderate abdominal lipodystrophy with diastasis I will do Mini-abdominoplasty
  • Accentuated abdominal lipodystrophy with cutaneous softness and excess; the presence of diastasis; with or without the associated scar, I will do standard abdominoplasty.
  • Skin flaccidity or lipodystrophy, with diastasis or eventration; associated scar Atypical approach
  • Skin Removal After Bariatric (weight loss) surgery. V Marked generalized abdominal lipodystrophy with the absence of excess skin. These patients are not ideal candidates for an abdominoplasty and should be ready for surgery by strict clinical treatment to lose weight.

Women and men of varying ages and backgrounds pursue abdominal contouring surgery. These are some common scenarios:

Abdomen Shaping Surgery for Patients Suffering from Obesity

Particularly in non-obese young women and men, fullness in the abdomen is typically related to an increase in the under the skin fat layer more than abdominal laxity. In these patients, abdominal liposuction is the treatment of choice.

Abdomen Shaping Surgery for Patients Suffering from Massive Obesity

Morbidly obese patients may present with abdominal pannus overlying not only the pubis but also the knees. This large quantity of skin is symptomatic of pain, rashes, cellulitis, lymphedema, and osteoarthritis aggravation. Skin removal surgery is shown for people who have shown efforts toward weight loss and fitness but are hindered by the symptomatic excessive skin laxity. These patients are challenging surgical patients at risk for venous thromboembolism, blood loss, hypothermia, and wound healing problems.

Abdomen Shaping Surgery for Patients Suffering from Severe Weight Loss

you may achieve weight loss through diet and exercise or surgical means. The abdomen is the most common body region addressed in patients sustaining massive weight loss. Such patients show functional issues from abdominal wall laxity and abdominal skin excess, including rashes, back pain, and worsening of arthritis symptoms. Patients who had open Roux-en-Y gastric bypass may have incisional hernias. Many massive weight loss patients pursue abdominoplasty primarily to improve their self-esteem: surgical Body Lift or skin removal after Bariatric (Weight Loss) Surgery.

Abdomen Shaping Surgery for Patients Suffering from Postpartum Women

Women after childbirth and particularly after a caesarian section or hysterectomy weaken their abdominal muscle and abdominal laxity. Caesarian scar, there may also be contour deformity in the lower abdomen and superior pubis. Postpartum women may need skin redundancy and stretch marks, which are best treated with skin removal. Traditional abdominoplasty is typically the best procedure to address abdominal laxity, contour deformity, and blemished skin. Umbilical hernias are often present in the postpartum woman, so repair at the time of abdominoplasty also may need to be considered.

Abdomen Shaping Surgery for Patients Suffering from Abdominal Hernias

Patients with earlier surgical history or pregnancy may present with hernias. The most common of these are the upper midline incisional, ventral hernias, and umbilical hernias. Patients may have incisional hernias in the lower abdomen as well. These hernia repairs are nicely performed in conjunction with abdominoplasty, either through the same incision or a precise, direct incision to avoid creating an ample dead space. Some patients have had a prior hernia repair, sometimes with mesh, and the mesh may be plicate to gain improved contour at the time of abdominoplasty.

Abdomen Shaping Surgery for Patients Suffering from Abdominal Scarring with Deformity

Many patients have had complex surgical histories with significant scarring throughout the abdomen. Such scars include the right and left subcostal, upper and lower midline, left and right lower quadrants, and the suprapubic scar. Some patients had poor healing or improper closure from their surgical procedures resulting in irregular contour and thinning of the skin. Some patients have scar contracture with tightness, pulling, and pain to touch. These patients often benefit from either direct scar excision or abdominoplasty to remove the involved lower abdominal skin and release other scars causing pain. Particularly in non-obese young women and men, fullness in the abdomen is typically related to an increase in the under the skin fat layer more than abdominal laxity. In these patients, abdominal liposuction is the treatment of choice.

Abdomen Shaping Surgery for Men

Men are pursuing body-contouring surgery in higher numbers. Men tend to distribute fat in the peritoneal cavity more than women, who store it in the subcutaneous space. Men also tend to carry their lipodystrophy within the torso and less so in the extremities. Although men receive help from liposuction of the abdomen, often combined with liposuction of the flanks and back, many men might not be good candidates for liposuction as their fat may be rooted in the abdominal musculature. Men may need abdominoplasty and abdominal wall plication, particularly in the setting of massive weight loss.


Abdomen lift, abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck is a cosmetic surgery that tightens and reshapes the abdominal area to an aesthetically pleasing, slimmer overall appearance. A flatter, firmer abdomen can dramatically improve the way clothing fits and looks, helping you feel more confident and comfortable in your body. During the abdomen lift, I will tighten abdominal muscles and remove sagging skin to treat protruding abdomen. The tummy tuck is a standard procedure for men and women, particularly those whose bodies have undergone dramatic weight loss or pregnancy changes. Abdomen lift improves stretch marks below the navel (belly button). There are many variations both to the design of the incisions and the technique itself. In some instances, it may be possible to avoid an incision around the navel. When the amount of loose skin is minimal, and the excess fat deposits are found below the navel, a short


High Definition Abdomen Liposuction

The ideal candidate for abdomen liposuction is a person of average weight with firm, elastic skin, except for pockets of excess fat in certain areas of their body that are resistant to diet and exercise and disproportionate to the rest of their body. Patients should be in good health, emotionally stable, and realistic in their expectations. Age is not a consideration, but older patients usually have diminished skin elasticity, thus not achieving the same results as a younger person with tighter skin.  Abdomen liposuction is helpful as a secondary procedure after abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)  to help further contour the abdomen, as abdomen liposuction would have been unsafe to perform before abdominoplasty. Abdomen etching is a form of superficial abdomen liposuction performed to simulate the appearance of muscle definition (high definition Lipo). Today, fat extraction or fat injection is used to improve the outcome. Based on the experience of Prof Moawad for the last 20 years, he prefers the tumescent syringe technique for a small stomach and ultrasound power-assisted cannula for the large abdomen.


Losing a great deal of weight is a great skill and a tone towards a healthier, more energetic spirit. Nevertheless, excess, sagging skin can present a fresh challenge, preventing patients from thoroughly enjoying their weight loss benefits. An experienced cosmetic surgeon can get rid of extra skin and restore more aesthetically pleasing body contours. Skin removal surgery includes a range of body lift procedures performed after significant weight loss to address the excess skin folds on the arms, legs, torso, and/or buttocks, helping patients make a more natural, aesthetically pleasing shape. If you are burdened with extra skin after losing weight, getting rid of it can dramatically enhance your comfort and self-confidence, help you exercise with greater ease, and improve the way clothing fits. This field has applications across a broadband of the population, from the petite “mommy” looking for a makeover to the male who lost more than 100 lbs after gastric bypass surgery. There are many techniques to do this. The termination of breast and body-lift procedures prepares the best possible contour while respecting essential safety topics and continually innovating to better results.


There is an increasing number of transcutaneous energy delivery devices currently available. They are classified according to the type of energy they deliver to their target—mechanical (e.g., suction, massage), radiofrequency, ultrasound, cryolipolysis, and laser. Of these, radiofrequency devices are the most popular for non-surgical skin tightening and fat reduction.

Unwanted local fat deposits negatively affect body shape and image. Diets, exercise, medications and/, liposuction, or gastric surgeries may effectively control obesity. Surgical or minimally invasive body shaping can dramatically improve the shape and proportion of your body, enhancing your appearance and boosting your self-confidence. For patients who require minor improvement or are unwilling or unable to undergo a surgical procedure, nonsurgical fat reduction is an alternative for surgical procedures. Nonsurgical and minimally invasive options for fat reduction use various modalities, including freezing, ultrasound, radiofrequency, infrared light, vacuum massage, and injectable medication. Realistic expectations on the part of patients and the appropriate application of technologies by surgeons are the key to achieving patients’ aesthetic goals.


Unwanted local fat deposits negatively affect body shape and image. Diets, exercise, medications and/, liposuction, or gastric surgeries may effectively control obesity. Surgical or minimally invasive body shaping can dramatically improve the shape and proportion of your body, enhancing your appearance and boosting your self-confidence. For patients who require minor improvement or are unwilling or unable to undergo a surgical procedure, nonsurgical fat reduction is an alternative for surgical procedures. Nonsurgical and minimally invasive options for fat reduction use various modalities, including freezing, ultrasound, radiofrequency, infrared light, vacuum massage, and injectable medication. Realistic expectations on the part of patients and the appropriate application of technologies by surgeons are the key to achieving patients’ aesthetic goals.


Radiofrequency Skin Treatment

Minimally invasive procedures to tighten and lift skin give natural results with minimal risk and recovery time. Monopolar radiofrequency deliver a high-frequency electric current—tissue resistance to electrical current, results in volumetric heating to the deep dermis and underlying tissue. The resulting heat leads to immediate collagen contraction and a delayed wound healing response, with new collagen formation up to 4 to 6-month post-treatment.  The FDA initially approved monopolar radiofrequency (RF) devices to treat periorbital wrinkles. Since then, they have been used to treat laxity of the forehead, cheeks, nasolabial folds, marionette, lines, jawline, and neck. Although the results of RF are not as dramatic as a facelift, over 90% of patients obtain noticeable tightening of the treated areas, and it never looks “pulled.” Another benefit of radiofrequency is its ability to reduce fat and tighten the skin by directing energy to target collagen. For example, a patient with flabby upper arms may have more loose skin than fat in this area. In this instance, Prof Moawad might use radiofrequency to tighten the skin first and then remove excess fat. However, if he determines that there is fat primarily in an area, he will remove the fat first and then tighten the skin afterward. “Radiofrequency is a very versatile procedure that can be used on any area of the body – from large areas like the abdomen to minimal areas such as the chin – with the same degree of success.


Stretch Marks Treatment

Many things change after you have a baby: schedules, sleep time, and a sense of freedom, to name a few. Along with, there are many physical changes you’ll see. Chief among them is stretch marks. Stretch marks or striae are a form of scarring on the skin with an off-color hue. Stretch Marks are the result of the dermal tear, which over time may diminish, but will not disappear completely. Stretch marks are often the result of the rapid stretching of the skin associated with rapid growth or rapid weight changes. Stretch marks may also be influenced by hormonal changes associated with puberty, pregnancy, bodybuilding, hormonal replacement therapy, etc. Stretch marks formed during pregnancy, usually during the last trimester. It generally appears on the belly and commonly on the breasts, thighs, hips, lower back, and buttocks. For the treatment of red stretch marks, clinicians may consider the PDL, 1,064-nm Nd: YAG laser, and 532-nm KTP laser, which would likely improve the redness (vascular component) of red stretch marks. Recently, several emerging treatment modalities, including fractionated micro-needling RF, ultrasound, and PRP and micro-needling, have reported good clinical improvement of stretch marks.  Stretch marks prevention and treatment stay a clinical challenge. Physicians should set realistic expectations with patients seeking stretch marks treatment and informing patients that the appearance and texture of stretch marks may improve but will not completely resolve to be an integral part of setting these expectations.

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